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History |
 | 1917 – Start-Up Edmund Vincent Cowdry (1888-1975): The first Chairman of the Department (1917-1921), famous anatomist and zoologist in the US, founded the Department of Anatomy in Peking Union Medical College. | |  | 1926 - Homo Erectus Pekinensi Davidson Black (1884-1934): the second chairman of the Department (1921-1934), Canadian anatomist and paleoanthropologist. His famous discovery was in 1926 when he named Sinanthropus Pekinensis, or "Peking Man", based on the fossil found in Zhoukoudian. | |  | 1949 – Reborn Jun Zhang (1890-1977): the first Chinese chairman of the Department. Chief editor of China’s first integrated textbook of Human Anatomy. He established and rebuilt Chinese Society for Anatomical Sciences, and had initiated correspondence Acta Anatomica Sinica and Anatomy Record. | |  | 1959 – Histology Department Zuogan Zhang(1906-1969): professor of anatomy. Director of Histology & Embryology Department. Dr. Zhang is one of the trailblazers, popularizers and founders of modern technology of histochemistry and cytochemistry in China. He was also a chief editor of Acta Anatomica Sinica. | |  | 1991- Academician Shepu Xue (1917-): professor of anatomy, chairman of the Department of Cytology. As a cytologist, experimental embryologist and reproductive biologist, Dr. Xue was one of the trailblazers of research on cell differentiation control in China. He was laureated an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1991. | |  | 2012- Selfless Dedication Bingchang Zhang(1923-2012): His work in the dissecting room of PUMC dates back to 1949. He was the director of Chairman Mao Memorial Hall during 1977-1983, and was appointed the director of the dissecting room. In 1989, he was awarded Excellent Teachers in Beijing as well as in China. Complying to his will, no memorial or farewell ceremony was conducted after his death, with his body donated, his last wish was to"cultivate more promising medical students". | |  | 2013 - 与时俱进 在多年来的积极探索和尝试的基础上,解剖教学改革全面展开。结合本校小规模精品教学的特色,开展了“面向临床的解剖学讲座”,“解剖学手术操作示教”,“解剖学临床讨论课”等课程,聘请协和医院的临床教师以及美国耶鲁医学院的外教授课。2013年4月,协和解剖教学网站正式上线(anatomy.sbm.pumc.edu.cn)。 | |